Thursday, May 24, 2018

Super Troopers 2

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Super Troopers 2 is the long awaited sequel to the cult comedy classic from 2001. This sequel deals with the boys returning to potentially phase out a team of mounties because of a geographical and political fuck-up. From there, the typical shenanigans start happening. I honestly enjoyed myself with this movie. I think it made me laugh almost as much as the first movie. I really appreciate that, especially when that's the purpose of a comedy. The troopers all have some good chemistry with one another, and are clearly enjoying reprising their roles. Much like the first film, Brian Cox proves to be the perfect straight man to the insane antics (even if he does occasionally get himself involved). I think it could have been easy to rehash a lot of the jokes from the first movie, and really come off as a greatest hits. At times, they can do that, but I think they take some of the jokes they bring back in something of a new enough direction. First example, they bring back the meow gag, and it starts off seeming like it's just a cheap rehash, but they offer up just enough of a twist at the end to make the joke work in something of a new way. The mystery subplot is probably the weakest part of the movie. When it's first brought up, I picked out who I thought was going to end up being villain almost immediately. Without giving it away, I was right in the end. I also can't say this is nearly as quotable as the first movie either. I remember laughing a lot in this movie, but couldn't exactly tell you any lines that stood out. Does this movie work on the same level as the first movie does? No. But, I also didn't find it to be the piece of shit a lot of critics are making it out to be either.

6 / 10