Thursday, July 28, 2016


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So, the Ghostbusters reboot has been thrown into some controversy. There’s that whole thing about “if you hate this movie you’re sexist” bullshit which is just plain stupid. There were also the prejudgment of the movie sucking based it starring women, which is also stupid. As far as the trailer goes, I didn’t hate it, but I was a little skeptical. I do understand people thinking the movie would suck because they thought the trailer was bad. Ultimately my final say on the controversy is this: If you like the movie, great. If you hate it, great. Neither side’s right or wrong. It’s just a difference of opinion. The final result of the movie kind of mirrored my thoughts on the trailer. I thought it was funny, but it could’ve been funnier. So, yes I did like this movie. Is it as good as it could’ve been? No. Is it as bad it could’ve been? No. Does it even compare to the original Ghostbusters? Hell no. It’s kind of stuck somewhere in the middle. It is a good movie. It doesn’t really have any huge belly laughs, but it does have chuckles throughout. Let’s start with what I actually did like in the movie. The cast is pretty damned spot on. Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon all have strong chemistry together. There’s a few cameos littered throughout that are pretty entertaining (especially Ozzy). The designs of the ghosts look really damn good too. My favorite part of the movie was easily Chris Hemsworth. He was the one who made me laugh the most, playing the Ghostbusters unqualified, incompetent receptionist. On the more negative side, I will say that the villain is just ok. Not the greatest villain I’ve ever seen, and not the worst either. Some of the scares work alright and Paul Feig does actually do an ok job building suspense in certain areas. The movie can reach some slow points at times, but I never really found it all that boring. The question is: Will this movie stand up alongside Bridesmaids, The Heat, and Spy as being one Paul Feig’s best movies? No. It’s a decent afternoon matinee type of movie, at the most. I’d personally recommend just waiting for video, as I don’t think you NEED to gout and see the movie right now by any stretch of the imagination.

7 / 10   

Monday, July 11, 2016

Independence Day: Resurgence

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 Independence Day: Resurgence is another one of those long-awaited, long-rumored sequels that has finally seen the light of day this year. Honestly, much like the first film this movie is incredibly stupid, with situations that involve questionable logic, and your enjoyment of the movie may or may not hold weight in that statement. Unlike the first film for me, however, this movie never really amounts past guilty pleasure status. Brent Spiner, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Vivica A. Fox, and Judd Hirsch all return. Major newcomers include Maika Monroe, Liam Hemsworth, Jesse Usher, and William Fichtner. One of the major issues I had with this movie was the fact that the character development was paper-thin. Part of this problem could lie in the possibility that there might be too many characters, making it feel overstuffed. The elements of humor are certainly not going to work for everybody. It kind of worked for me, but I don’t know if that’s saying all that much. One of the more disappointing aspects was that certain characters were killed off, and I just couldn’t bring myself to care, especially when there are characters who are supposed to feel for these particular characters. Jesse Usher plays the stepson of Will Smith’s character from the first movie in this one. Sadly, the newcomer lacks the screen presence and charisma that Will Smith has in abundance, and his presence was sorely missed here. Fortunately, William Fichtner and Maika Monroe are very welcome new additions for me. More than anything, if I had to compare this movie to anything, it would be McDonald’s. It’s tasty enough if you don’t think too hard about what it is. The overall enjoyment you get out of this will come from your overall taste, and your attitude towards fun, cheesy guilty pleasure movies. 

6 / 10       

Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day (1996)

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For this Fourth of July, I want to talk about one of my all-time favorite movies. Independence Day is known for being that one Roland Emmerich movie that most people can agree on. It's been twenty years since this movie hit theaters, and was one of the action movies I remember growing up with. Is it a little stupid? Yes. Is it cheesy at times? Yes. This is still a fun sci-fi action movie that, for the most part, holds up. The cast is entertaining. The movie is quotable as hell. I'll admit, having watched again within the last few days, the effects look a lot more hit and miss now. The CG doesn't hold up so well, but the practical effects absolutely still do. The characters feel real. They have their stakes in this invasion. Will Smith's Steven Hiller is trying to return to his girlfriend and her son. Bill Pullman's president wants to keep the people safe (including his family). Randy Quaid's Russell Case is a drunk dealing with an alien probing he may or may not have actually endured. Everyone has their share of big, stupid, fun movies that they enjoy. This is one of mine. I love this movie because of the characters. I love this movie because of the action sequences. I love this movie because of the leaps in logic that are taken here and there. I love the ultimate "America! Fuck Yeah!" speech that Bill Pullman gives near the end of the movie. What else can I say but: "This day, we celebrate our Independence Day!"

10 / 10