Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Avengers

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Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) arrives on Earth seeking to rule the planet (along with some other elements to his plan that are admittedly fairly muddled). Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson) responds by assembling a group of heroes for what is called the Avengers Initiative. In comparison to the Avengers films that would follow, this film almost seems quaint. That isn't a bad thing, by any means. And I really don't want to downplay the importance this film truly has had on cinema as a whole. If this wasn't the movie it was, then the Marvel Cinematic Universe might have just died with this film. The characters are almost all well-established. I will admit that Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye feels a bit underutilized (especially because he's the character that was given the least amount of actual screen time in previous films). But, there is still a lot of things about this film that still hold seven years later. The actors still give good performances, and their chemistry with one another still holds up. It also helps that I am a fan of Joss Whedon's. Most of the writing he gives this film is still smart and extremely clever, especially when it comes to the dialogue. Something Joss Whedon really seemed to understand is that these people who all very different personalities are going to clash at first. As much as I love the action in this movie, I really think the character moments are where it shines. It doesn't really matter if it's two heroes talking, or a hero and our main villain. Many of these moments actually help progress things forward, and help get the plot going. Overall, despite a couple of minor flaws that have become more noticeable with time, The Avengers is still a really good movie that deserves the recognition it has gotten from Marvel fans over the years.

9 / 10 

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