Saturday, June 6, 2020

Happy Birthday to Me

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Well, yesterday was my birthday. So, let's talk about an 80s slasher movie with a birthday theme. You probably already know that I am a sucker for slasher movies. One I personally enjoy is Happy Birthday to Me. My favorite aspects of this movie are the kills. They are fun and gruesome. The acting actually isn't half bad in my opinion either. It isn't necessarily amazing. However, I have seen much worse in terms of slasher movies. I also genuinely love the twist involving the killer and the final girl. Both of these archetypes are played with in a really solid way, and I have to appreciate that. I won't give the twist away in this review, but know this is something I loved about this movie. The characters aren't particularly deep, but that's something you kind of just come to expect out of a lot of slasher movies. Plot wise, the movie actually is mostly simple. The final plot reveal is really the only complicated piece to the plot. This is a movie I enjoy as a horror fan and as a slasher fan. If you aren't a fan of slashers, this won't be the movie that sways you. If you are a fan slashers, even if you're only a casual fan, then I would recommend giving this movie a look.

8 / 10 

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