Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pet Sematary (1989)

Louis Creed (played by Dale Midkiff) moves with his family to Maine because he takes a job. Before too long, tragedy strikes the Creed family, and Louis takes desperate measures when their neighbor, Jud (played by Fred Gwynne) tells him about the pet cemetery. I really enjoy this movie. It has something of a dated 80s charm to it. It probably helps that the script was written by Stephen King himself. The acting is pretty hit and miss. Fred Gwynne as Jud is easily the best part of the movie. On the other hand, I don't care as much for Dale Midkiff in the lead. He's not awful or anything. He just doesn't do much for me in the movie. I will say that I kind of love how quotable this movie is. I can't tell you how many times I have randomly said "Never get out of bed again," just as an example. Some of the effects are a bit dated by today's standards. I'm not saying that is a negative in the case of this movie, as I feel it adds to this movie's dated feel and charm. This isn't a perfect movie, nor do I consider one of the best King movies. However, I do think it's still a decently fun watch. Check it out, especially if you are a fan of Stephen King movies. 

7 / 10 

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