Sunday, June 12, 2016

Game of Thrones S6E7: The Broken Man

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The episode begins by showing us that Sandor "The Hound" Clegane is still alive. He's more of a man of peace now, working and living with a village that he has come to call his home. He has even found a mentor in Ray, played by Ian McShane. We then cut to a moment between the High Sparrow and Margery Tyrell (neither of whose game I'm completely sure of what the end result is). I think it's possible that the two are playing each other in the other's own right. This is furthered by her discussion with her grandmother Olenna. Jon Snow, along with Sansa Stark and Brienne of Tarth, tries to rally the wildlings to join him in an army that could attack and defeat Ramsay Bolton, god willing. Fortunately for him, he is successful. Cersei attempts to convince Olenna to help battle the High Sparrow. Olenna reminds Cersei that she is surrounded by enemies, and has terribly few friends left. Jamie Lannister and Bronn confront the Blackfish, who is "disappointed" by what he sees of Jamie Lannister. We see Theon and Yara are still very much on the run. This isn't a long scene, and I don't feel necessarily needed to be included. Jon and Sansa argue over the number of men they have and the number of men they need. Ray, Sandor, and their people are confronted by Lannister bannermen. Arya has a run in with the waif shortly after buying herself passage to a ship headed for Westeros. Much of Sandor's fellow villagers are slaughtered and the episode ends with him picking up an axe, presumably taking up the mantle of the hound once again.

9 / 10 

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