Monday, May 29, 2017

Eraserhead (1977)

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Eraserhead is a 1977 film directed by David Lynch. The best way one can describe Eraserhead is that the movie is an exercise in weird. On many levels, this film is something of an uncomfortable watch. I honestly had a lot of points where I looked at the screen and just asked “what the fuck?” Right at the beginning, you are given visuals that are just plain odd. There will often be long sequences with no dialogue. There isn’t a single word spoken for the first ten minutes. The sound effects and other noises build, often putting you at entirely at unease. The plot of this movie is very difficult to explain. The narrative structure of this movie is like nothing I’ve really seen before (something that falls in complete alignment with David Lynch as a filmmaker). I don’t know if there actually is a typical three-act structure, so much as scenes put together to make a movie. Every character feels a little unnatural and awkward. The reactions they give to certain situations just doesn’t feel like it’s how someone would typically react, which I think is supposed to be the point. The film’s black-and-white color scheme works to the movie’s advantage, as it adds to awkward, bizarre unease that Lynch builds up. The grotesque, deformed baby looks good. This is a practical effect, and it’s obvious the right amount of time and effort went into it. Overall, despite some odd character reactions, and lack of typical narrative structure, I recommend giving Eraserhead a watch, especially if you’re into the totally weird.

7 / 10

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