Monday, October 22, 2018


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Creepshow is widely considered a classic as both a horror movie and an anthology film. The movie is campy and over the top. To be fair, this movie was written in the vein of horror comics of the 1950s like Vault of Horror and Tales from the Crypt. The movie's also a collaboration between horror giants George A. Romero (who directed the film) and Stephen King (who wrote it). I will admit that the stories are never really that scary. They are, however, genuinely twisted and somewhat creepy. The movie deals with stories involving ghosts, monsters, revenge, cockroaches, and alien plant life. Most of the stories in the movie combine these elements. The movie's cast is fantastic. Some of the performances in this movie include the likes of Tom Atkins, Hal Holbrook, Adrienne Barbeau (all three of whom are in The Fog), Stephen King himself, Ted Danson, Leslie Nielsen, E.G. Marshall, and Ed Harris. I've hinted at this before, but each and every performance is excellent. Nieslen and Marshall are easily the standouts of the film. Marshall plays a germaphobic shut-in seemingly growing more and more paranoid and losing his mind. as his apartment becomes infested with cockroaches. On the other hand, Leslie Nielsen gets to show off a side to him I've never really gotten to see by playing a legitimately threatening villain (a far cry from his typical comedic roles he's more well-known for). What's more is that the motivations he has are actually understandable and relatable, even if you know that he's probably taking things too far, and is clearly in the wrong. Something I found interesting (even if I can't say it was all that surprising) was just how quotable the movie was. There are a couple of points (one in particular stands out) where it does fall a touch into horror cliche. Namely, there's a point where a character makes your standard idiot choice in a horror movie. Thankfully the movie doesn't fall into cliche categories too much. It really only happened that one time The only reason I bring this particular moment up at all is because it's the one time where I watched the movie and just kind of went, "really." In the end, I really liked Creepshow. It really wasn't hard for me to see why this film is genuinely considered a cult classic of the horror genre, and the movie gets a definite recommendation from me.

9 / 10         

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