Tuesday, September 8, 2015


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Fant4stic’s biggest problem is that it’s just bad. The best way I can explain this is comparing it to other classic examples of bad movies. First up, The Wicker Man starring Nicolas Cage. That is a movie that is so bad, it’s enjoyable. The other is The Cat in the Hat, starring Mike Myers. This was a movie that was memorably bad for how offensive and infuriating it was to sit through. Fant4stic doesn’t reach either of those levels, and that’s why, for the most part, it doesn’t work. A lot of the terrible things that were supposed to happen seem to end up being nowhere to be found in the finished product. I actually wish these problems were present because, at least that would’ve made a bad movie that was memorable in some way.  The movie has good acting, but is let down by its direction, writing, and inconsistent tone. The production nightmare stories you hear do start to manifest themselves as the movie goes on. The visual effects are very hit and miss. The CG on the Thing was alright, not the best, not the worst. The design of Doctor Doom is truly atrocious, as are the effects involving Reed Richards’ stretching ability. One of the plot points I do remember being truly terrible is one that involves the character of The Thing and the origin of his catchphrase “It’s Clobbering Time.” Despite good acting, and a halfway decent chemistry between the actors, everything else just seems to let the movie down in the end. 

4 / 10    

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