Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

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So, for a while, I've been a fan of the Mission: Impossible movies, mostly because when J.J. Abrams took over and directed the third movie in the series, I feel this series started to find its momentum. While I did enjoy the first movie, the second one felt over-bloated and kind of boring. I can report though, that Rogue Nation is the best one in the series. I have a lot of respect for Tom Cruise as an action star because he does his own stunts. The action scenes in this movie were pretty breathtaking. The chemistry between the main stars was awesome. The way Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, and Ving Rhames work off each other actually does make them a pretty believable team in opinion. I also really have to compliment Rebecca Ferguson because one of the issues these movies admittedly have is forgettable, throw-way female characters. The female lead in this one is awesome. She was strong, bad-ass, and memorable. Ferguson pulled the role off like a pro. The plot wasn't the most original, but that is something I can forgive because there is just so much goodness to be found in this movie. The only major problem I admit I have with the movie is the villain. The other main issue this series tends to have (save for the always incredible Philip Seymour Hoffman) is weak villains. That's not me trying to knock the actor who plays the villain in this movie, but as I was thinking about the movie I couldn't really remember anything he said. And that's why the villain is what knocks this movie down a touch for me as opposed to the plot. I didn't struggle to remember the plot like I did with the villain. Fans of the Mission: Impossible series definitely won't be disappointed.

9 / 10 

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