Friday, November 20, 2015

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is one of the hardest movies I've ever had to describe in a review. It's a movie about scouts trying to get to a party, all the while trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Somehow, this movie has too much plot, and no plot at all. Throughout the movie I had to wonder something. There were plenty of jokes that I really should've laughed at. The problem with all of these jokes is, instead of cracking a smile, I was asking myself "what the fuck is happening right now?" The movie is also poorly written. It feels as though the director and the writers put the job of improv on actors who didn't know any better, as most of the time it just feels like the actors are rambling on and on. To be fair, the actors in the movie are trying, and they aren't bad, per se. What they're given to work with is. The best character in the movie, in my opinion, is a character named Denise. Basically, she's a stripper (or cocktail waitress, as she refers to herself) who has a decent amount of grace under pressure and seems to know her way around a shotgun. In the end, despite liking the acting, and some of the characters, the movie is still a mess that is poorly written and poorly directed with no laughs. That's probably what disappoints me the most. I'm a zombie fan. I liked Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. There's no reason I should dislike this movie as much as I ended up disliking it.

3 / 10

1 comment:

  1. Oh no. I was interested in this - not burning to see it, but definitely interested, and now I'm not sure if I should bother.
