Monday, November 30, 2015

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

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As you can probably imagine, I was not looking forward to seeing Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension. I didn’t really like the fourth or fifth movies very much at all. Everything that seemed to precede this movie screamed cash grab to me, right down to putting it in 3D, which I stand by as a horrible idea for a found footage movie, and I refuse to ever see this movie in 3D. Now, let’s get into my actual experience with watching it. Within the first five minutes, this movie proved to me that I didn’t really need to give a rat’s ass about the movie’s characters. The very beginning tries to tie this one in with the third movie, almost seeming to ignore the previous two films in the franchise (or the ones that started to make this franchise suck). One thing I will outright say, is that you do actually start to be able to see the activity. Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, that takes away one of the few scary elements the entirety of the franchise had going for it. Of course, it also doesn’t help the ghost in the movie looks like the Venom Symbiote. One of the things I realized is that the movie actually bored the hell out me. I think part of this comes from the fact that the series has gotten so repetitive and predictable. At this point, the scares feel cheap, lazy, forced, and obvious. To be fair, as negative as I’ve been with this review, I will say that the actors in the movie are ok. They aren’t the best, but they aren’t the worst, either. They just kind of do their job.  Honestly, at this point, I’ve been down the road with bad Paranormal Activity sequels, so this movie can’t really make me that mad, but that still does not a good movie make. 

2 / 10 

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