Sunday, November 8, 2015


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I really felt that there was a lot to like in the new James Bond movie. Once again, Daniel Craig shows that he is one of the best Bonds. He's still fairly suave with the ladies, and clearly still has the damage that Craig's previous outings as Bond have shown, though it seems a bit more hinted at here. The action set-pieces were all pretty solid in my opinion. There weren't very many of them. Fortunately, the mystery element that came in between those action scenes was interesting enough to keep me going. The acting was pretty solid. I have to give props to Christoph Waltz and Dave Bautista. Waltz doesn't get a lot of screen time, but when he is on-screen, he's fantastic to watch. He delivers his dialogue with this cold, calculating menace. Meanwhile, Bautista manages to be memorable with only one word of dialogue, mostly thanks to his physically imposing demeanor. There's a subplot in the movie that a lot of people have compared to one in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation. Yeah, I kind of see it. However, it was just different enough that it didn't really bother me. Spectre probably isn't likely to convert non-Bond fans, but those who do like James Bond, then I definitely recommend this movie.

9 / 10 

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