Monday, January 18, 2016

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

From Dusk Till Dawn is one of those movies that I'm ashamed to admit it really took me too long before I saw it. The movie is directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino. Within the first five minutes of the movie, I was listening to the dialogue and asking myself "Did Tarantino write this?" because it sounded like his dialogue. The characters of Seth and Richie Gecko are just the most despicable people imaginable, but the movie is so well-written, and George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino are just charming enough that they make them likable and relatable to a degree. The family that they take hostage are interesting enough, too. Harvey Keitel, especially, is fantastic as a former preacher who has lost his faith, and has to get it back as the film progresses. The movie feels like two different movies spliced together into one. In my opinion, it works here better than it does in most movies. Of the two halves, my personal favorite is the badass action horror movie that makes up the second half. In terms of flaws, they are very few and minor. I think they could've tried to make the Richie Gecko character more likable early on, as opposed to really waiting for the second half of the movie, at least in my opinion. Watching this movie, I can see why this is a cult classic, and I had an absolute blast.

9 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy this movie - it's a good fun romp and definitely within the first couple minutes you're like - "oh, Tarantino writing" for SURE.
    Seth Gecko was likable, but I'm not sure Richie Gecko was supposed to be at all - I think we were essentially supposed to be like "I hate this dick" and glad when he got turned and then killed. Then again, Tarantino as an actor kinda drives me insane.
    Have you seen the movie "Four Rooms"? The fourth story is Tarantino written and acted.
