Monday, February 13, 2017

John Wick: Chapter 2

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John Wick: Chapter 2 picks up almost immediately after the events of the first film. This time around, a crime lord (Ricardo Scamaricho) comes to John Wick’s front door to collect on an old debt. Despite an initial refusal, John Wick agrees to the job. However the crime lord betrays him, and opens a contract.  From here, John Wick has to run from the crime lord’s security and bodyguards, the bodyguard of one of his targets (Common), and numerous hitmen looking to collect a big sum of money. I liked the set up to bring John Wick back into this world he’s tried to leave behind (even if the first film did it a little bit better.) The cast is really damn solid once again. I always love seeing Peter Stormare pop up in stuff, and this is no exception. Laurence Fishburne brings a charisma and swagger to his performance as a ruthless crime lord called the Bowery King, and I absolutely appreciate his performance. Keanu Reeves is pretty good as John Wick again (though he does feel flat a couple of times). However, in the action sequences, the man is amazing. The John Wick movies really make you feel like this guy is the Jason Voorhees of assassins. Director Chad Stahelski handles the direction of the action fantastically. There isn’t an ounce of shaky cam to be found, which I will always praise. The world building in the movie feels natural, and actually manages to build on what was already established in the first film, without sacrificing any of the established continuity. Ultimately, John Wick: Chapter 2 works as a badass action movie sequel that is a worthy addition to the first film, even if it has a couple minor rusty spots. This movie builds up the possibility of a John Wick: Chapter 3, and I honestly can’t wait to see what that movie can offer.

9 / 10             

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