Sunday, January 21, 2018


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Giant worm-like creatures invade a small town, forcing the inhabitants to try and survive, and kill the creatures. Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward play two doofus handymen that are completely out of their depth. Their chemistry and comedic timing is really good. Even though this movie is really funny, it doesn't forget to make the creatures feel threatening, and can be frightening when they need to. The pratical effects are solid. The characters are great. Aside from Val and Earl (the characters played by Bacon and Ward), I also love Michael Gross and Reba McEntire as these two gun-toting survivalist rednecks. The character development is fairly, I will admit. Val and Earl probably have the most development to them. They don't like their jobs, and want to leave the small town. The characters also show intelligence throughout the movie. The three main characters realize on their own that the creatures react to vibrations. Some of the uses of vibrations in the movie actually do a good job utilizing tension. My favorite is a little girl using a pogo stick out in the open not knowing about the creatures yet. Even if the movie can be tense, I will admit I don't think the movie is particularly scary. This is a tricky balance for any horror comedy. For me, the comedy heavily outweighs the horror. Tremors has good performances, solid chemistry between the two leads, and strong creature effects. This allows the movie overcome its shortcomings in terms of being scary and in terms of character development.

8 / 10 

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