Thursday, January 2, 2020

Top 10 Worst Movies of 2019

Now, let's cover the movies I just didn't like from this year.

Honorable Mentions:

Girls with Balls, What Men Want, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Pet Sematary 

#10: Dark Phoenix: Dark Phoenix is a movie I almost left off this list entirely because it just didn't leave that much of an impact on me. What ultimately secured it the number 10 spot was the fact that this is ultimately where the mainstream X-Men franchise ends. Yep, the X-Men series officially ends with a whimper, not a bang.

#09: The Fanatic: So, I think a movie that stars John Travolta as an Autistic man directed by the lead singer of Limp Bizkit could only show up on my worst of the year list. It's low on the list simply because I just thought it was hilariously bad. This is the film on the list that I really have to recommend giving a watch.

#08: Serenity: In a similar vein to The Fanatic, I have Serenity low on the list for a very specific reason. The movie's plot twist is so insane and out of left field that I actually kind of enjoyed it. Make no mistake, this is a bad movie, but it's also insane, and I have to recommend it for that reason.

#07: Anna: So, I actually forgot about this movie until I was trying to compile my worst of the year list. To me, that was enough of a sign that this movie truly deserved a spot on my worst of the year list.

#06: The Silence: Remember A Quiet Place and how good that movie was? Well, The Silence is a Netflix movie that feels almost like a carbon copy, right down to having creatures that attack based on sound and the protagonist being a teenage girl that's deaf. Yep, this movie's a thing and it's one you can easily skip over when you find it on Netflix.

#05: Wonder Park: This is a bad animated movie that actually started off okay, and then had a reveal that made the first twenty minutes mean nothing. Add on top that, an obviously half-awake Mila Kunis voicing one of the characters in the film, and you've got an animated movie that just doesn't need to exist.

#04: The Lion King: The biggest sin 2019's The Lion King commits is that it doesn't do anything new. It is literally the original movie beat by beat. Because the animals don't emote, it also just makes this version feel incredibly hollow.

#03: Black Christmas: Um, wow! This is a movie that just felt like it was the wrong kind of insane for me. I'll give the actors credit for actually trying. The movie tries to tackle some major and relevant issues. It just takes the approach of beating you over the end with them, and forgets to also be entertaining.

#02: Cats: I went this movie knowing it would be bad. I wanted Cats to be bad. The problem with this misguided movie is that it just isn't that interesting or entertaining. It's not a fun kind of bad. The music is good, but the music didn't originate from the movie. The final result was just a weird film that didn't have a plot, or anything beyond the songs to carry it through.

#01: The Haunting of Sharon Tate: I watched this movie back in March or April, and nothing I saw this year even remotely approached the sheer awfulness that was The Haunting of Sharon Tate. The ending is awful, as the film tries to have it two ways. The acting, writing, directing is all so bad.

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