Tuesday, August 11, 2015


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Trainwreck was a movie I didn't necessarily know what to expect out of it. After all, romantic comedies are very hit and miss for me. Ultimately, I really liked this movie. Amy Schumer is somebody I'm not too familiar with, but based on this, I'm liking what I've seen of her so far. Bill Hader is good in the movie. But for me, by far the best parts of the movie were John Cena and Lebron James. These two were just hilarious. At first, I was going to say I thought the dramatic moments were a bit overblown, but really thinking about it, I din't think they were. A lot of them present some pretty real issues in life, and handle it really well. The movie is a little too long, and probably could have had ten or fifteen minutes cut out of it, but I still thought this movie was a strong movie. For me, this might be the first great comedy I have seen this year. Trainwreck is most certainly, a movie I recommend to anyone who is interested.

9 / 10 

1 comment:

  1. Shawn and I were lucky enough to see this and we really liked it.
    I definitely think you should look up Amy Schumer on youtube, but - yeah...she's NSFW (or...cough...grandparents). She is a new feminist of a certain breed.
