Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Good Kill

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Good Kill is a pretty good movie, albeit a little rocky in certain areas. I liked the acting in the movie, especially Ethan Hawke who has really started to show that he is probably one of the best actors working today, at least in my opinion. The movie mostly suffers in the plot area, as it was little hard to pinpoint. Sometimes it felt like the main plot of the movie was the main character’s interactions with his wife (played by January Jones, in one of the better performances of her career) and his possible PTSD. At other times, the main plot of the movie seems to be the elements involving the drone strikes. The drone strike scenes are my personal favorite scenes in the movie because of the tension built up in each scene. Andrew Niccol’s direction is pretty good, but his writing feels a little shaky to me, with the movie. Overall, I did like the movie, in spite of its pretty noticeable problems.  

8 / 10 

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