Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Top 50 Favorite Movie Villains (30 - 21)

#30: Kevin - Sin City: Kevin may not be in the film all that much, but he is still the most memorable villain in the whole movie, at least in my opinion. He's mute. He's a cannibal, even going so far as to force a woman to watch while he had eaten her hands. He's even creepy during his death scene. As Marv puts it, he keeps the same blank stare, and never screams when Marv had been severing his limbs, or when the dogs start to finish him off.

#29: Simon Phoenix - Demolition Man: Simon Phoenix is just the embodiment of absolute insanity. The best way I can describe this character is to say something along the lines of "Picture what you would have gotten had Wesley Snipes played The Joker in Tim Burton's Batman instead of Jack Nicholson." Or, as one of the older cops in the movie puts it, "in a bad time, he was the worst."
#28: Khan Noonien Singh - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Khan's motive of revenge is incredible to me. I mean this is the man who is indirectly responsible for the death of Mr. Spock, and directly responsible for the physical and emotional torture of the crew of the Enterprise. In my opinion, Ricardo Montalban and the character of Khan is a large reason as to why Wrath of Khan is easily the best of the Star Trek franchise.

#27: The Wicked Witch of the West - The Wizard of Oz: Just about the ultimate childhood villain. The Wicked Witch of the West has been one of the absolute greats for decade upon decade. Her cackle is infamous, as are several of her most well known quotes, whether it's screaming "I'm melting. I'm melting. Oh what a world!" when the water is poured on her, or when she's threatening Dorothy with the line "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" There may not a person on the face of the earth who doesn't know who the Wicked Witch of the West is.
#26: Jigsaw - Saw: I've mentioned Jigsaw in my Top 10 Horror Movie Villains. As I've already said, I love this character and his motivations. I love that the character doesn't really realize he's the bad guy. He actually believes that kidnapping his victims and torturing them by forcing them into the choice of "live or die", he is somehow saving them.
#25: Syndrome - The Incredibles: The Incredibles is my favorite Pixar movie, and Syndrome has a lot to do with that. Jason Lee is able to make what I believe is one of the funniest villains I have ever seen. However, he also manages to have a pretty despicable plan, and a fairly dark one for a family film. He intends to kill every superhero, so he can become one. What's even more gruesome is that his plan actually succeeds about 90%.

#24: Sam - Trick 'r Treat: Much like Jigsaw, I've actually talked about Sam before. There's not really a whole lot I can say.But, I would like to mention that in addition to being a tricker-or-treater who kills the assholes of the world that don't observe the rules of Halloween with a lollipop, he's also immortal.

#23: Gollum - The Lord of the Rings: For me, Gollum ranks up there with Magneto and a certain other famous movie villain that I will be talking about eventually as one the three most tragic movie villains of all time. Gollum is a villain in the Lord of the Rings universe, but it isn't his fault. His lust and corruption by the power of the one ring drives him to theft and murder on many occasions.

#22: Commodus - Gladiator: Commodus is nothing more than a spoiled brat with a murderous side to him. He wants to rule as emperor. What to do? Murder your father, take his place, murder the family of the general that your father looked to as a son, and sell this man into slavery. But most importantly, show little to no remorse for your actions.
#21: T-1000 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Here's something I hadn't really thought to ask before. Was the T-1000 a metaphor for stranger danger disguised as a killer robot? Seriously, he's faking being a cop, and hunting for a young boy. He just also happens to be a nearly unstoppable killing machine with the ability to morph into any organic living thing he touches, and can turn his arms to bladed weaponry.    

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