Sunday, September 25, 2016

Green Room

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A hardcore punk band books a show at a Neo Nazi bar in Portland, Oregand. The band witnesses a murder, prompting the leader of the Neo Nazis (excellently played by an unusually villainous Patrick Stewart) to kill the band as a way to eliminate witnesses. The bar in the movie looks like an honest-to-god shit hole. I like this because it shows how good the production design is. Green Room is a violent movie, so watch at your own risk. The violence in Green Room isn’t flashy like Tarantino. It’s gritty, brutal, and visceral. The use of a punk band works because I feel like the whole movie is shot edited with a sort of grimy, punk rock look and feel. Anton Yelchin and Imogen Poots previously starred in the Fright Night remake together. Their chemistry clearly carries over. In a weird way, it feels like two movies stitched together, but they flow seamlessly. The first half is almost a slow-burn thriller. The second half transitions the movie into a violent slasher film where the main characters have to survive. The reason this works is because you feel like the second half of the movie is what the first half is building up to. As far as flaws go, I would say the characters could have been developed better. Green Room is otherwise further proof that the horror movies this year have really come to play. If you are into horror movies, I would recommend giving this movie a watch.  

9 / 10      

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