Friday, September 23, 2016


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 Sully is directed by Clint Eastwood and stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, and Laura Linney. It tells the story of the Miracle on the Hudson, from when captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger lost both of his plane’s engine’s and was forced to make an emergency landing. Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart play co-pilots and best friends in the movie, each of whom delivers (as usual) an oscar-worthy performance. The chemistry between these two was spot on. Laura Linney portrays Sully’s wife in the movie. While she is really good, I personally wish I could have seen at least one scene where Hanks and Linney are on screen together, and working off each other. The fact that all of their scenes are shared via phone call was a little bit of a detriment to their chemistry, at least in my opinion. The movie can drag a touch at certain points, though never enough to a point where it took me out of the movie. Eastwood’s direction has a bit of an old-school feel to it, which really works in the movie’s favor. Character development feels almost solely placed on Sully himself. There were attempts to flesh out some of the passengers on the plane, but it didn’t quite feel like enough to me. Strong acting and solid direction, and a pretty damn good plane crash (that really shouldn’t have been shown twice) are enough to overcome some of the weaker elements in the writing. In the end, despite its minor shortcomings, I recommend watching Sully. It’s a pretty good movie with an intriguing plot. 

7 / 10   

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