Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Mummy

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Nick Morton (Tom Cruise) and his buddy Chris Vail (Jake Johnson) accidentally unearth the tomb of Princess Ahmanet, (Sofia Boutella) a woman in line to the Egyptian throne who was hungry for power. Nick teams up with a woman named Jenny (Annabelle Wallis) and Dr. Henry Jekyll (Russell Crowe) to try and stop Ahmanet. The Mummy doesn’t really feel like its own thing. There’s so much that I felt was a mish-mash of different things from other, better movies. The most blatant one was a clear “homage’ of An American Werewolf in London Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll feels like he’s sort of supposed to be the Nick Fury character. This didn’t bother me. I like Russell Crowe as an actor, and he is one of the movie’s bright spots. That doesn’t mean I don’t see the shades of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in his appearance in this movie. Tom Cruise is an actor I’ve almost always liked as an action star. Here, he’s clearly trying. The problem is that this is just the wrong role for him to be playing. Annabelle Wallis as the character of Jenny has little to offer outside of needing to be saved and acting like an idiot (something her character clearly wasn’t intended to be). She’s better here than she was in Annabelle, but it isn’t enough for me to be impressed by her acting ability. She still offers nothing in the way of charisma, and feels like she’s just kind of there. On the other hand, rising star Sofia Boutella was awesome as the titular mummy. Overall, The Mummy proves to be nothing more than a piece of mediocre wasted potential because I wanted to see a cinematic universe based on the universal movie monsters succeed.

5 / 10      

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