Saturday, June 3, 2017

Wonder Woman

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Amidst World War I, American pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes on the waters of hidden island Themyscira. He is saved by Diana (Gal Gadot), the daughter of the queen. Believing that Ares is behind the war, she accompanies Trevor on his mission. As Diana, Gal Gadot carries this movie with apparent ease. All at once, she is badass, naïve, and innocent. Gadot and Chris Pine’s chemistry together is excellent. This movie truly helps prove that Pine is a fantastic actor when he is given the right role. He gives the role of Steve Trevor a mixture of heart, emotion, and charisma. When the moment comes for him to crack a deadpan joke, he nails the comedic timing. The other actor I truly want to praise is David Thewlis as Sir Patrick Morgan. He expertly portrays a frail man who may or may not be more than what he appears to be. The main villain of the movie is Ares. Without giving too much away, I loved the character. The way he acts is how a strong villain should act. He is manipulative, but always is deceptive. Outside of Ares, the other villains pale in comparison. They aren’t bad by any means. It’s just that Ares is much stronger. The action sequences are awesome (even if the slow motion feels a little overdone). There were two twists in the movie. One of them genuinely surprised me. The other one I saw coming pretty early on. There were hints towards the twist throughout the movie, and they were less than subtle. The opening scene didn’t really need to be there, especially when the very end of the movie restates a lot of what the beginning said. Overall, despite minor flaws, Wonder Woman proves to be the best movie in the DC Extended Universe thus far.

9 / 10    

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