Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Emoji Movie

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The Emoji Movie is about a “meh” emoji named Gene (voiced by T.J. Miller) who is considered a malfunction within the world of the phone. He joins the Hi-5 emoji (voiced by James Corden) to find a hacker named Jailbreak (voiced by Anna Faris) in order to fix himself. The whole time they are chased by malware bots sent by Smiler (voiced by Maya Rudolph). I wanted to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. I honestly thought The Lego Movie was going to be a bad movie, but it turned out to be amazing. THIS is what I feared The Lego Movie was going to be. The whole movie is a product, where the plot is moved forward by the likes of Candy Crush, Just Dance, Spotify, and Dropbox. The movie is practically a barren wasteland of comedy. There are two chuckles I got out of this movie. The first came about 5 minutes in, the second almost an hour in. I will admit the animation was decent. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got for compliments. Story wise, you’ve seen this before. It’s just another attempt at Toy Story, The Lego Movie, and Wreck-It Ralph. Here’s the thing, though. Those movies had heart, clever writing, and good humor. The jokes here are terrible puns you’ve seen hundred times before. The ending to this movie is awful. It’s clear hey wanted to have their cake and eat it too. I am going to go into spoiler territory here. So, if you haven’t seen this movie and want to (please don’t), then stop reading here. The main character of Gene gets his big realization that he can just be himself (an emoji with every emotion). I don’t have a problem with that part. The issue I have comes from what they do with the Jailbreak character. You find out halfway through the movie she’s this mysterious princess emoji that disappeared. The whole movie, she wants to be more than just a princess. By the end of it, they give up and she pretty much just gets stuck in the princess role, and actually seems like she’s totally fine with it now. This movie sucks. , I sat there stone-faced almost the entire time I watched this piece of shit. I was almost always bored or annoyed. You know how sometimes, you see a movie that you’ve heard is bad, so you’re kind of curious. Believe everything you’ve heard about The Emoji Movie. It’s every bit as bad as it’s been made out to be.

1 / 10   

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