Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Room

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With The Disaster Artist coming out next month, I figured now was probably the perfect time to tackle one of the most infamous so-bad-it’s-good movies ever made: The Room. If you were to ask me what exactly the plot to this movie was, I really couldn’t tell you. I think it’s supposed to be about a woman cheating on her fiancée with his best friend (Yes that’s a thing that actually happens in this movie, but there’s so many pointless scenes that the plot is almost impossible to pin down. A lot of scenes in this movie are green-screened, for no apparent reason. (Is it really more expensive to actually shoot scenes outside instead of having to digitally add a backdrop of San Francisco in after shooting scenes in a studio? I was watching the opening credits, wondering if some of the names were made up (I don’t remember what a lot of the names were, but it seemed like they couldn’t possibly be real names). The dubbing is just unbelievable. Every line seems like it’s dubbed over and not once do the lines actually match up with the actors’ lips. There isn’t a single good performance the movie, but plenty of entertainment value can found, especially out of Tommy Wiseau in the lead role. I died laughing throughout almost the entire thing. There’s a point where we meet the future mother-in-law. The girlfriend, Lisa (played by Juliette Danielle) introduces her to one of more “important characters in the movie, creepy teenager Denny (played by Philip Haldiman). These two have never met before. The very next scene shows Denny confronted by drug dealer Chris-R (played by Dan Janjigian). Lisa, her mother, Johnny, (Wiseau’s character) and the best friend, Mark (played by Greg Sestero) trying to get information out of Denny. The mother (who was only just introduced to Denny) yells that “it’s about time someone ganged up on him.” This moment literally had me in stitches. The Room is everything you’ve heard it was. This is a movie that is amazing in all the wrong ways.    

10 / 10

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I gave this a full 10. Sometimes, you just see a movie that gets everything so wrong, it kind of all goes right
