Monday, November 6, 2017


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Unforgettable stars Katherine Heigl and Rosario Dawson as two woman who battle each other both physically and mentally when one perceives that the other is taking her place. The best way to describe this movie is Lifetime movie of the week material. It takes a truly special film to have me bored by the time I hit five minutes. Heigl’s Tessa has no subtlety to her. Right from the get-go, they make it overtly clear she’s the villain. I’ve made it no secret in the past that I am not a Katherine Heigl fan. Yeah, she’s not any good in this movie. She pretty much plays crazy by just widening her eyes (and they are like that for the whole movie). The pacing of this movie is grindingly slow, and ploddingly dull. The daughter character was just kind of there. The character feels like someone even the movie just kind of forgets about for awhile before the writer just went “oh yeah, I should probably do something with the daughter to raise the stakes a little bit.” The actress playing the daughter is awful, even if I personally don’t like picking on child actors. The story and writing is atrocious. The movie has a website in it where Heigl can find everything out about Dawson, including a restraining order Dawson filled out against her abusive ex-boyfriend. Here’s the thing I have to wonder. Isn’t that something that wouldn’t exactly be uploaded onto a website where anybody can find it? There’s a point in this movie where we get a first-person point of view of someone sneaking through the house, stealing some of Dawson’s things. The issue with trying to build this sort of suspense up is that they make it incredibly clear right from the get-go who the villain of the movie is. The good thing is that this movie has one saving grace: Rosario Dawson. I honestly think that she’s a different, better movie. Overall, despite Rosario Dawson giving this movie her all, everything else just doesn’t work, making Unforgettable a predictable, ironically-titled slog of a movie that I don’t even think I would show to my worst enemy.

1 / 10  

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