Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Game Night

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Game Night stars Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams as a married couple who find themselves roped into a dangerous game than is more dangerous than they initially thought. This was a very enjoyable movie, easily carried by the chemistry between Bateman and McAdams. The supporting cast should be commended just as well. Everyone brings something to the table in this movie. Jesse Plemons is extremely funny as a creepy, slightly obsessed neighbor. Billy Magnusson is also a scene stealer as a dimwitted friend that constantly brings dates to these game nights that are even dumber than he himself is. Props should also be given to Kyle Chandler as the older brother to Bateman's character. One thing this movie does that I appreciate is the idea that the characters in this movie actually have some development to them. There is an actor in the movie that I wasn't expecting to see, and was more than happy to see this actor show up when he did. The movie also utilizes some pretty clever filmmaking techniques. The transitions are shot to make it look like the players are movie around like pieces on a game board. If I had to really pinpoint a flaw, it would be that I don't necessarily think every joke lands. But, I also kind of expect that out of a comedy. Game Night is one of the best comedies I've seen so far this year, and I highly recommend giving it a watch.

9 / 10 

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