Saturday, June 2, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Solo: A Star Wars Story is an origin story of sorts for Han Solo, following how he became the smuggler Star Wars fans know and love. The cast is practically perfect in this movie. Donald Glover as Lando Calrissean steals the movie. The man carries charisma and swagger to spare. Alden Ehrenreich was a solid Han Solo. He shows himself to be a young Han Solo, but doesn't feel like a carbon copy of Harrison Ford (even if I still prefer Ford in the role). Woody Harrelson worked in the role of Han's mentor, Tobias Beckett. Emilia Clarke also worked in the role of Han's longtime love, and you were never fully sure whose side she was on. The relationship between Han and Chewie was very well handled as well. There are references in the movie, and they don't really feel forced to me. They actually felt pretty natural. The pacing mostly worked for me. There were points where I thought things could have sped up a little bit, and the movie did drag in spots. There were also some pretty predictable beats too. There were points where I could kind of figure out where things were going to go, and that is exactly how they went down. I don't think this 100% true however. For example, there is a twist near the end of the movie, and it is awesome enough in my opinion that this twist alone is worth the price of admission.

8 / 10  

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