Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ocean's 8

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Ocean's 8 follows Debbie Ocean (played by Sandra Bullock), who is the estranged sister of Danny Ocean. She has spent some time in prison. When she is released, she gets a bunch of women together to perform a heist because, in her owns, it's what she's good at. I'm somebody who enjoys a good heist movie, and this really is no exception. The cast all pretty much excels. As usual, Sandra Bullock knocks it out of the park when she is given the right role, and, for the most part, Debbie Ocean really feels like the right role for her in this movie. There were points in the movie where she did concern me a bit, and I wasn't 100% sure that she would pull the role off, but her performance worked overall in the end. Rihanna was probably the biggest surprise in this movie for me. She was the one that probably had me the most worried. But, she manages to improve with each performance she gives. But, if I'm being honest, Anne Hathaway owns this movie. She plays a character who shows some cunning, acts like a ditz, plays innocent, and acts like she has no clue what's going on. Sometimes, she does it all at the same time. Some of the characters legitimately had some development to them, and I felt like I understood their places. There are characters who could have been developed a little bit better than they were, but the characters worked because the actresses portraying them were charismatic enough to pull the performance off and make that particular character likable. The twists, turns, and surprises all worked for me, and actually made me glad I saw the movie. It was really funny when it needed to be. There are moments where I do feel the movie drags, but those moments never lasted very long for me. This was a movie that could have gone wrong, but I am so glad it didn't. It may occasionally stumble a little bit, but I never felt like it fell flat on its face.

8 / 10 

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