Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Home Alone

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Kevin McAllister (played by Macaulay Culkin) is accidentally left home alone when his family makes a mad dash and rushes to the airport on the day they are supposed to leave for their flight. Along the way, he must defend the family home from idiotic burglars Harry and Marv (played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern respectively) when they try to rob the house. As much as I love me some off-kilter Christmas movies, this may just be my favorite traditional Christmas film. It's got all of the things that seem to be required for a Christmas movie. First, the main protagonist has to learn a lesson about being selfish and not taking things for granted. I love the scene where Kevin talks to the fake Santa, saying "I know you're not the real Santa, but I know you work for him." I love this moment because it reminds you that even though he's been forced to start growing up in his current situation, it doesn't make him any less of a kid. This movie may also be Culkin's best performance in his career (and this is coming from someone who loved him in The Good Son). The performances by Pesci and Stern are also really good, The characters are generally pretty bumbling, but they can come off as somewhat intimidating if they absolutely need to. A lot of the moments in this movie could easily come off as cheesy. But, these moments work thanks to Chris Columbus's direction and the script by John Hughes. These two actually compliment each other so well in this movie that a lot of the moments that could come off as tonal whiplash all feel like they come together perfectly. I also love the opening to this movie. When we're presented with the family, they actually feel like they are just people. You understand where everybody comes from. Kevin isn't a perfect kid. He can get pushed too far and resort to violence. They family has a very understandable reaction too. I especially love the moments between Kevin and his mom (played by Catherine O'Hara). It feels so real to me. I genuinely understand where they're both coming from. I also love the moment in the church where Kevin talks with Old Man Marley (played by Roberts Blossom). The two come to an understanding despite Kevin's initial fears. I also have to say that is one John Williams' most underrated scores. It's such a good score, but I feel like people don't talk about it on the same level as Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, and Harry Potter This is one of those movies that I love every aspect of. I see it as a must watch around the holiday season.

10 / 10 

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