Friday, February 22, 2019

Birdemic: Shock and Terror

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As of this moment, I feel as though I am presented with a nearly impossible task. I have to try and describe a movie like Birdemic: Shock and Terror. I guess I should start with my own personal history with the movie. I couldn't tell you exactly how I found about the movie's existence, but I have known it was a thing for a while. I have seen bits and pieces of it here and there. But, it wasn't until last night that I finally saw the movie from beginning to end. It was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. Everything about this movie is just kind of wrong. However, I feel as though this is a movie where everything about this movie is just right. Yep, it's that kind of movie. This is one of those films where I don't really know whether there is a lot for me to say, or if there is just a small amount for me to say. The effects in the film are atrocious (there's really no other word to describe them). I don't even know if it's possible to say that the birds look like they are obviously photoshopped into the movie-mostly because I think photoshop effects would probably look like a major improvement. It's quite clear from the very first shot that director James Nguyen probably had no idea what he was doing. But, he had a vision, and he got this movie made. He seemed to be inspired by The Birds (even to the point where a TV showing a movie with Tippi Hedren in it-a film called Julie and Jack that Nguyen himself had apparently directed. I should also note that I had no idea that the man had actually directed anything before Birdemic, mostly because this film comes off as incredibly amateur. The acting is horrendous-and that's probably putting it nicely. Most of the time, they feel like they are just people shoved in front of the camera-and they have no idea what they're doing or why. It doesn't help that the film's writing is incredibly awkward and clunky, which really doesn't help with the film's performances at all. The characters never really act like legitimate human beings. If you do watch this film, watch it how I watched it. Get a group of friends together and make fun of it Mystery Science Theater style. This is another case of a movie that I simply just won't give a rating to. It's awful for all the same reasons that it's amazing. Just know that Birdemic comes highly recommended to fans of so-bad-they're-good movies from a fan of so-bad-they're-good movies.      

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