Thursday, February 7, 2019


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This is a movie that I feel at a loss to review. The trailers seem to market Serenity as a movie about a fisherman named Baker Dill (played by Matthew McConaughey). His life is complicated when his ex-wife Karen (played by Anne Hathaway) returns into his life and drags him into a plot involving extortion and murder. Yes, that is a piece of the puzzle. However, the movie eventually falls into a pit of bat-shit insanity that cannot be explained. This is where I am at a loss. I want to describe the insanity that this movie contains. However, much of this craziness comes from key plot points I don’t dare spoil. The performances (especially those of McConaughey and Hathaway) are kind of difficult to get a read on. I see this in one of three ways. The first is that the actors are legitimately trying. The second is that the actors know exactly what kind of movie they are in, and act over the top because of this. The third possibility is that it is a mix of both. I came to the conclusion that the reason these performances are so difficult to really get a grasp on is because it’s talented cast of Oscar winners and nominees. I don’t know if I can technically say this is a good movie, because I’m honestly not convinced that it is. What I can guarantee is that this is a memorable movie. It sort of starts out as something generic at best. However, the film’s main plot twist completely changes things. Again, I don’t dare spoil this movie’s twist in the review. This is one of those movies I really have to recommend, especially to fans of trashy, bad movies. If you do take this review (and my recommendation) to heart, then trust me when I say that it is honestly best to go in blind.

4 / 10   

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