Monday, March 30, 2015

Jurassic Park (1993)

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Jurassic Park remains one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made. Jeff Goldblum delivers a career-defining performance. Not one actor in the movie feels out of place, or miscast. They all do a fantastic job in their roles, even the child actors in the movie. Child actors can often bring a movie down, but the kids in this movie really work. Admittedly, it is a touch weird whenever I see Samuel L. Jackson in a movie and he doesn’t constantly drop the F-bomb. John Williams’ score is fantastic and has a swelling, bombastic feel to it. The visual effects still hold up, marking some of the best of all time. The direction is expertly done in this movie. Steven Spielberg does incredibly with balancing the whimsy and adventure of the movie. There are several scenes that do an excellent job with building tension, particularly with the scenes involving the velociraptors. Some of the computer technology in the movie has become dated at this point, though that’s only a nitpick. The movie does feel a touch slow in the middle, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, because it still gives the audience room to breathe    

10 / 10 

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