Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

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I understand the initial hype behind The Blair Witch Project. It’s easily one of the movie divisive horror movies of all time. People either seem to love it or hate it. Personally, I respect the movie for breaking ground in the horror genre, but I don’t love the movie. The pacing is awkwardly slow. The Blair Witch herself is supposed to be a looming presence, but is terribly explained as a character. I can forgive the bad acting, since they were all unknowns who never acted again after this movie. I will give props to the gritty, home movie look because it was something new at the time. The found footage element was used more effectively to add to the movie instead of being used as an easy way to make money. I hate to say this, but I was never able to bring myself to like or care about the characters. It just felt like they spent the majority of the movie complaining and at each other’s throats. The development behind them was far too little. The plot wasn’t effective enough, as I didn’t find myself thinking about the movie much at all. Blair Witch was a big letdown. 

5 / 10 

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