Monday, March 30, 2015

Psycho (1960)

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Easily Alfred Hitchcock’s most famous movie, and one of his best. Psycho is a horror marvel that throws you into this creepy, yet mesmerizing world that Norman Bates inhabits. Forget Jason Voorhees, Norman is the ultimate mama’s boy creep. What works best about the movie overall is that for most of it, you never really know where Norman Bates lies. Is he the tragic hero, the terrifying villain, or a little of both? A lot of movies (Scream and The Sixth Sense just to name a couple) owe huge thanks and gratitude to this movie. It’s not necessarily the scariest film ever, but it came out at just the right time to make its impact. Perhaps what makes the character of Norman scariest is the fact that he feels like an average guy. On the surface, he’s calm and collected, but there are hints of darkness to him as well. The shower scene is perhaps one of the most famous scenes in horror history. It has been parodied. It has been duplicated, but never rivaled. If you’re in the mood for an interesting, albeit, creepy as hell, character study into the man known as Norman Bates, don’t pass it up. 

10 / 10 

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