Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Clouds of Sils Maria

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Clouds of Sils Maria is a movie I wanted to like more than I actually did, though that's not to say I didn't like or that hated it. I actually did like the movie. The film was very well shot. Juliette Binoche, Chloe Grace Moretz and even Kristen Stewart were all good in the movie (yes I actually said I thought Kristen Stewart was good in the movie, sue me). The plot was interesting to a point, but after a while, I couldn't help feel a touch of style over substance. The constant use of fading to black as scene transitions was a touch lazy to me. If it was intended to be symbolic of how life is a show, I didn't get it. At points the movie drags on a little too much for my taste, too. The ending, in particular was way too long, and didn't really work for me. The characters were generally likable to me, and relatable. As much as I genuinely did like Chloe Grace Moretz in the movie, I never felt that her character added a whole lot to the overall film. Was this a bad movie? No, I would actually say it was a good movie. It just is something I'm perfectly fine seeing once, and never having to watch again. I don't feel that the movie has any replay value. I can appreciate quite a bit of what it tried to do, but it easily could have been executed better.

7 / 10 

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