Monday, March 7, 2016

Here's to Flint

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Here's to Flint is a documentary put together by the people of Flint, designed to hopefully get their stories out there, and get a story out there beyond Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, though Snyder does play a part. They make it known that they are not happy with him. Some of the officials they talk to are rude, and seem like they are trying to save face. The production value isn't the strongest, but that doesn't bother me because I think the story they are trying to tell is very strong. These are people who have a voice, and their voice really comes through. Some might say this would come off as one-sided. To that, I would like to say I’ve been in Flint since the water crisis started, and a lot of these people are suffering thanks to the poor decision-making of the local and state governments. As I said, some issues with production values aside, I really feel that this is a solid documentary telling a story from its beginning to where we are now, and the people who were most responsible for putting this movie together have stated that “this story is not over yet.” 

7 / 10 

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