Sunday, May 1, 2016

Game of Thrones S6E2: Home

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Like I did last time, I'm going to be going pretty in depth with what happened in this particular episode. First off, I'm glad that Home actually addresses what's been going on with Bran Stark. I like the idea of his beginning to train with the Three-Eyed Raven, played magnificently by the great Max Von Sydow. After that, a battle breaks out at the wall between the men of the Night's Watch and the Wildlings, which seems to end in the way you actually want it to end By that, I mean some of the men who betrayed and murdered Jon Snow are captured and imprisoned. After that, we cut to see what's going on in King's Landing, where the Frankenstein's Monster-like Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane begins killing off Cersei's enemies. At this point in the series, Cersei appears to now be very broken. I find it interesting just how much I love to hate the High Sparrow, but I do love this little moment of tense dialogue between the High Sparrow and Jamie Lannister. Once again, Mereen is my favorite part of the episode. Tyrion discusses the state of things with Varys, Missandei, and Grey Worm. This is largely because of just how much I love Peter Dinklage and the character of Tyrion. Tyrion even goes so far as to unchain Daenerys's dragons to prove himself a friend. Meanwhile, Arya Stark continues her training to be a servant of the Many-Faced God, and appears to be coming closer to believing that. Ramsey Bolton kills his father and newborn brother to secure his legacy as Lord Bolton. Theon and Sansa part ways, as Sansa heads north for Castle Black with Brienne of Tarth and Podrick. Balon Greyjoy has a heart-to-heart with Yara. He then meets with his brother, Euron Greyjoy, which culminates in Balon's death and Yara swearing vengeance. Davos asks Melisandre to bring Jon Snow back to life, and may even be the one person to motivate her back into helping him after she seems to have given up. She attempts to bring him back to life, and seemingly fails. However, the episode ends with Jon Snow opening his eyes. I believe this is a good episode (I have yet to see a truly bad Game of Thrones episode), even if it does drag a little more in some places than The Red Woman did.

9 / 10    

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