Thursday, May 26, 2016

Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising

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Is Neighbors 2 a fantastic movie? No. I do think it is a good movie though, and a decent way to kill 90 minutes. I feel as though the characters were able to grow from where they were in the first film. That's not typically something you see in a comedy sequel. The reason for this is because, a lot of times, filmmakers just try to do what worked again. So, if a character actually grew over the course of the first movie, they would have regressed for the sequel. Zac Efron's Teddy is an awkward position in this movie because his friends are all growing up around him, and he doesn't feel valued anymore. The characters played by Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne are reaching a point where they actually do ask themselves if they really are good parents. I'll be honest, the jokes are pretty hit and miss. Some of the gross-out gags don't really work that well, and some scenes do feel a touch long. Other jokes do really manage to stick their landing. The acting is solid. The story is a bit of a rehash of the first movie, with just enough differences for it to work. It's nice to see that this movie is better than it easily could've been, even if it isn't the most necessary movie.

7 / 10   

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