Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Game of Thrones S6E3: Oathbreaker

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One of the things I love about Game of Thrones is that each season feels like a progressing, sprawling story. So, what happens in Oathbreaker? First off, Arya Stark comes closer to becoming "No One", and even gets her eyes back by the end of this particular episode. Tyrion and Varys discover who is funding The Sons of the Harpy. Cersei and Jamie Lannister seem to be coming closer to getting their revenge. Oh, Rickon Stark is back! Haven't seen him since season 2, I think. Sadly, his direwolf is now dead (which I'm taking as a bad omen for little Rickon), and he's now the prisoner of Ramsey Bolton. Danaerys has a talk with the other Khaleesi in a tent sort of thing, a place where she is now supposed to stay for the remainder of her days (we'll see next week). Tommen Baratheon has a fairly interesting talk with The High Sparrow. Bran Stark's training continues to show some of Ned Stark's own past, going so far as tease the possibility of R+L=J. Jon Snow begins coming to terms with his own resurrection. There are some surprised looks from Melisandre (who also teases the R+L=J possibility when she says Stannis wasn't the prince who promised) and Davos. Jon serves up his last act as Lord Commander of The Night's Watch by executing the brothers (including Olly) who betrayed and murdered him before leaving for who knows what. This does raise a question for me though. Will he become Jon Stark, or possibly even Jon Targaryen? We'll see. We've still got roughly 7 episodes to go this season. Honestly, this is the first episode I've seen this season that never once dragged and kept me completely invested the whole time.

10 / 10       

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