Thursday, May 26, 2016

Game of Thrones S6E5: The Door

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Sansa receives a raven that tells her about the Tullys potentially taking up arms against the Boltons. I'll be honest, this is becoming one of my favorite story lines within the season. Season 6 has shown a Sansa Stark that is more world-weary. She has a bitterness towards Littlefinger. In the past, I admittedly haven't been the biggest fan of Sansa, but this season has turned her into one of my favorite characters on the show. Should Ramsay actually die this season (god willing, I personally hope it's Sansa that actually manages to kill him). There's a creepy little moment between Tyrion, Varys, and a Red Woman that gives a look from Varys I've never seen before. We're given a bit more of Arya's training to become no one. That honestly gets me wondering, though. Will she? She is sent to spy on an actress who the servants of the many-faced gods have been hired to kill. She sees a play that makes a mockery of both the Lannisters and the Starks, particularly Sansa and Ned. I found this beat interesting because, even though Arya claims to be no one, she had a look of disgust on her face at the way her family was portrayed. Daenyres and Jorah have a touching goodbye. Both Yara and Euron Greyjoy lay claim to the salt throne. When a good number of people side with Euron, Yara, Theon, and their own supporters smartly get the hell out of dodge. Finally, Bran's training with the Three-Eyed Raven gets cut short. The White Walkers manage to find them. The Raven and the tree-like children are killed. We also learn "Hodor" is Hodor's legacy. While Bran was what the Raven called "inside", he accidentally warged into a young Hodor, then named Willis. Willis then begins to seizure, screaming "Hold the Door" until all he is able to say is "Hodor". This moment is both sad and a little freaky at the same time, at least for me. Hodor is killed while Bran and Meera are able to escape. He is ultimately awarded a hero's death, which is something that isn't granted to many characters on the show. I'll be honest, this season keeps ramping up the ante, getting me more and more excited for what's yet to come.

10 / 10     

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