Monday, October 2, 2017

I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer

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I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer came out in 2006, eight years after the second movie, and nine years after the first movie. To make things even better, this movie was released direct-to-video. Ugh. Let's get this shit over with. Four teenagers, Amber, Colby, Zoe, and Lance discuss the legend of the fisherman even though this movie's a "continuation" of the first two movies, I'll get to that later. So, the group of friends create a prank at an amusement park that leads to one of their friends dying. The group of unlikable idiots destroy the evidence and decide to keep this secret. Well, the first two movies had some shades of fun. This movie on the other hand SUCKS! It's a boring, plodding retread of the first film. At least, the second movie progressed the story of the first movie to some extent. The acting is atrocious on all accounts. I'm not gonna act like the characters in the first movie were the greatest people in the world, but at least those actors had charisma, at the very least. Remember how I said this is supposed to be a continuation? There’s a point where our main character is explained nf that her friend got the idea from newspaper reports of the first two movies. Great, why the flying fuck is the fisherman only a “legend” in this movie? In the first movie, the heroine was the one who said “we should go to the police.” In this thing, the one who throws that suggestion out there isn’t the protagonist, it’s the best friend you know is going to die by the end. The directing and editing are awful. This whole movie is cheap and ugly. The killer reveal is insanely stupid. The killer in this movie is a zombified version of the fisherman from the first two movies. This isn't really given explanation, especially when most of the movie is built up to be a murder mystery. But, at the end, they just sort of say fuck it, do this. I sat through this movie, trying to find one redeeming quality. As if I haven't said it enough, this movie is awful. I am someone that tries to go into any movie, hoping to like at least one aspect. That said, I couldn't find anything in this movie to enjoy. If you're curious, watch one of the first two movies. At least those two movies have some fun stuff.

0 / 10 

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