Saturday, October 7, 2017

Scream: Season 1

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In 2015, the Scream franchise was rebranded as a TV show on MTV. My initial reaction to the idea of the show was that my feelings were mixed. On one hand, I actually wanted another movie. Keep in mind, the show was greenlit and started filming and airing well before Wes Craven died. On the other hand, I was kind of glad it was going to be a new cast of characters. They weren't recasting anybody. This kind of exists as its own story. Ultimately, the first season was pretty fun but flawed. The acting in the show was (for the most part) better than it had any right to be. Characters were hit and miss, and most of them didn't feel like they could fully hit their grooves this season, something season 2 simultaneously did better and worse. But, I'll get to that when I review the second season. There were three characters that I honestly enjoyed the hell out of watching by the end of the season. As far as writing, development, and performing goes, Bex-Taylor Klaus as Audrey was probably the best. The other ones I enjoyed were the characters of Brooke and Noah. By the end of the season, I did feel that Jake had gotten a lot stronger overall. But Will, Emma, and Kieran had a little bit of a different reaction from me. These three (especially Kieran) were just kind of meh. The actress playing Emma was fine, but I don't feel that she had a lot to work with. The mystery and story themselves were both decently written, and actually pretty engaging to watch. The kills themselves I had mixed feelings about. A lot of them were very stab-stab. Some of them were creative. But, the biggest issue I have with them is that there wasn't enough of them. Someone might be killed in an episode, and then there would be two or three episodes where no one would die. I know I've said this before, but this is something I think the show Scream Queens handled a lot better. In short, the first season of Scream made for a guilty pleasure show that had its fun elements, but was also deeply, deeply flawed.


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