Monday, September 2, 2019

High School Musical

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I already know you're asking yourself why I'm talking about High School Musical. Well, I watched it recently (for the first time since maybe 2007). Yes, I know this isn't some sort of masterpiece, nor would I expect it to be. It's a cheesy TV movie musical made for the Disney Channel. I don't really know how I'm going to be able to actually review this movie. The music is OK. Some of the songs are decently catchy (namely Stick to the Status Quo for me). A lot of the film's plot actually doesn't hold up to scrutiny. The closest I can come to describing this film's plot is that it's basically a watered-down version of Grease. It was incredibly easy to pick apart. One thing I never realized as a kid was the fact that pretty much everybody in this film is an asshole. 99% of the characters are just awful people that do mean, spiteful things to one another. Yet, I can't hate the movie for that. No. I don't even remotely know why. It doesn't really make any sense to me. Surprisingly, this isn't a movie that's given me a ton to say. High School Musical is just a cheesy Disney Channel Original Movie that shows up and does its thing. It's not really geared towards a man in his mid-20s. It's something of a guilty pleasure for me, and that's all I really needed it to be. I'm not going to assign this movie a rating simply because I don't really feel like I need to. 

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