Saturday, June 27, 2015

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)

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I spent a good half hour wondering why I was having so much trouble getting into this movie. For the record, my issue isn’t the fact that I think the movie is chalk full of unnecessary gruesome violence. I’m not that kind of guy. The problem I have is that I think the movie’s kind of boring, and not very engaging. At times the movie does peek my interest. For example, there’s a scene where the main character and his protégée go to buy a new television set, and the turn it takes is very interesting. Michael Rooker is one the most underrated actors working in my opinion, and he’s just as good here as he is in everything else. The movie does have a pretty cool gritty look to it that adds a touch of realism, but for the most part the script just does not engage me in the events that unfold onscreen. It’s not necessarily a horrible movie by any means, it was just dull for the most part, with a strong lead performance and some engaging moments sprinkled throughout, just not enough to save the movie for me. 

5 / 10   

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