Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hot Pursuit

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Consistently, as I watched this movie go on, I was asking myself why isn’t this working? The movie has a talented cast, but for some reason, it’s just not seemingly able to amount to anything. At a point, I finally realized that this could not be called a movie. By the half-way point, I saw that it was just adding up to a series of non-stop talking, obnoxious screaming, and mindless noise. Calling this a bad movie is an insult to movies everywhere. This thing is ungodly unfunny, insulting, and idiotic. The screenplay and direction are horrible. The main characters stupid and unlikable. Admittedly, there are a couple of chuckles here and there. Unfortunately they are few and far between. This “thing” gets harder and harder to stomach as it goes on. I cannot say how much I had the thought of Shut the f**k up running through my head. Do I think this movie is bad as The Loft? No. But it’s definitely worse than Paul Blart 2. If you are thinking of watching this movie in any way shape or form, DON’T! I mean it, there isn’t one redeeming thing about this movie. Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara are two very talented actresses, and they deserve so much better.

0 / 10  

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