Monday, June 1, 2015

Jason X (2002)

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So, I'm gonna get some flack for this, but I actually like this movie. Not because it's a "good" movie, but I do think it's hilarious. Jason has a kill early on where he freezes a girl's head in liquid nitrogen and smashes it on the counter which essentially causes her face to break into a million pieces. That was awesome and pretty damn brutal. For the most part, I think the filmmakers knew exactly what they were going for. Aside from the liquid nitrogen kill, a lot of them were played more for comedic effect. It almost seemed like they said "It's Jason in space. What the hell, let's have fun." For the haters, I do sympathize with you on Uber Jason, I saw no reason to upgrade the iconic character, when all that really changes is his look. He doesn't really get any stronger. He can't, he's undead. He doesn't get smarter, and he doesn't really adopt any particularly new and clever ways to kill people. Before anyone brings up the liquid nitrogen thing, he did that BEFORE he got the upgrade. Yes, Jason X is very much a bad movie and Uber Jason was a horrible idea, but at least it's a bad movie I can watch and have some fun with.

6 / 10 

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