Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Others (2001)

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I absolutely loved this movie. The acting was great. There was a lot more depth and emotion to the movie than most ghost films in the past ten or fifteen years could possibly give. Nicole Kidman shines in her role as a devout Christian mother trying to solve the mystery of what's happening. Throughout the whole movie I was intrigued in what was happening, invested in the mystery presented on-screen. There were times where I was actually frightened. The setting of the country manor was as haunting as it was beautiful. From time to time the movie dragged a little, and at times there were jump scares. Both of them do knock the movie down a touch. The movie's twist ending is probably one of the absolute greatest I have ever seen. In case anyone reads this review and hasn't seen the movie, I don't dare give it away. The best way I can describe this movie is that it starts out as an episode of Downton Abbey and then transitions into The Sixth Sense. I'm not huge on the former, but I do really like the latter. If you're a fan of ghost movies, definitely don't pass this one up.

9 / 10 

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