Monday, June 29, 2015

The Departed (2006)

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The Departed, to me, feels like one of those movies that just seemed to get everything right. The casting was great. The screenplay by William Monahan was phenomenonal. As always, Martin Scorsese shines in the director's chair. Every single actor in the movie worked in the role they were supposed to play. Matt Damon does fantastic in he rare villainous role he operates in. Something else I have to commend for the movie is the use of various X's that are seen onscreen throughout. I don't want to say what is about the use of the X's I love so much because that would be a spoiler. The pacing is fantastic, as the tension in certain scenes builds up to something fantastic that you may or may not see coming. Every scene had me sucked into what was happening, and the violent outcomes of several of these moments serve simply as a beautiful climax to several scenes. The various twists and turns are also awesome. After I watched the movie, I really had to ask myself if I had any issues with the movie. No. No I didn't.

10 / 10 

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